Can I put comments in mpd playlist?

275 views Asked by At

The title says it all...

Running Ubuntu 12.04 and the mpd daemon.

I am writing some scripts to manipulate the playlists (for my wife and me,) and it would be handy to have comments in the playlist rather then create a separate log file.

So, canI, canI, canI???

Straight from my 5 year old.


There are 1 answers


You cannot. Here is the full list of all MPD commands related to stored playlists:

  • listplaylist {NAME}
  • listplaylistinfo {NAME}
  • listplaylists
  • load {NAME} [START:END]
  • playlistadd {NAME} {URI}
  • playlistclear {NAME}
  • playlistdelete {NAME} {SONGPOS}
  • playlistmove {NAME} {FROM} {TO}
  • rename {NAME} {NEW_NAME}
  • rm {NAME}
  • save {NAME}

You can use "stickers" to associate arbitrary information per song, but sadly (and inexplicably) you cannot (yet?) associate stickers with playlists.

You can also read all comments from a song file using readcomments.