I wanted to know whether sending a locked Bitmap's BitmapData.Scan0 field to unmanaged C++ could be an issue. Here's how I do it:
From C#.NET:
public class BmpTest{
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap();
BitmapData bmpData = new BitmapData();
public BmpTest()
public IntPtr getDataPtr()
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
bmpData = bmp.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
return bmpData.Scan0;
public void unlockData()
Then, using a C++/CLI Wrapper (not included in this sample):
// This is unmanaged, native c++
int main()
unsigned short * dataPtr = BmpTestCliWrapper.getDataPtr();
// do something like ... update openGL texture with data
I am not using GCHandle, as BitmapData will be locked to memory according to this source. I only need to read the Bitmap so that I can update an OpenGL texture. I cannot access the images directly from C++. I probably could from C++/CLI but I don't see a clear advantage.