I'd be using Cufon, but I can't justify the text. I've read that Typeface.js works similarly to Cufon, (renders its own text so it looks good in Windows browsers that don't provide anti-aliasing) so I'd like to know how the rendering quality compares (Cufon's is great) and if you can justify text--no mention that you can or can't on the Typeface.js homesite that I could find... Thanks!
Can I justify text with Typeface.js? How does the rendering compare with Cufon?
633 views Asked by ian_6500 At
Maybe you know it already but there is also Google Font that does the same thing as Cufon and Typeface, except there is a limited choice of fonts (you cannot upload whichever you like). However, it does support "justify" + it's clean and fast.