Can I get the name of the operator that triggered a special method?

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I am working in customizing the behaviour of Python native functions and operators in my classes. I would like to avoid hard coding when printing error messages like "'<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'". I know how to avoid hard coding of type names (by using type(object).__name__. But ¿how can I refer to the native function or operator that triggered my customized special method?

Here it comes an easy example:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
    def __lt__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Person):
            raise TypeError("'<' not supported between instances of "
                            f" and '{type(other).__name__}'")
            return self.age < other.age
    def __ge__(self, other):
        return not self < other

With this class definition I have:

>>> me = Person('Javier', 55)
>>> you = Person('James', 25)
>>> print(you < me)
>>> print(you >= me)
>>> print(you < 30)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 8, in __lt__
    raise TypeError("'<' not supported between instances of "
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Person' and 'int'
>>> print(you >= 30)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 15, in __ge__
    return not self < other
  File "", line 8, in __lt__
    raise TypeError("'<' not supported between instances of "
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Person' and 'int'

As you can see, I had to hardcode the name of the operator '<'. I usually avoid hard coding, but in this case I have an additional reason to avoid it: the TypeError message in operator >= is wrong as it says: '<' not supported between instances of 'Person' and 'int'


There are 2 answers

D.L On

you could achieve this by defining an operator variable and then setting it to whatever it should be based on the conditions.

So something like this:

x = 10

if x < 10: operator = "<"
elif x > 10: operator = ">"
else: operator = "=" 

print(f'you have used the {operator} operator')

You would need to pass the equivalent of this into whatever classes you decide to use this way.

danz On

What you're asking here is 'How to get the method name from within the method so I can use to print it in a variable?'

This has been answered a bit here

As the reference shows, the inspect.stack()[0][3] gets the name of the method that was just called.

First you need to map that for the method __lt__ (and the others as well) you actually are using the '<' operator.

map_compar = {'__lt__' : '<', '__gt__': '>', '__eq__': '=='}

Then you create your Person class with your implementation (not included here)

class Person:
     def __lt__(self, value):

             #Gets the function name
             fn_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] 
             #Prints fn name with correct mapped operator
             print(f'You used the {map_compar[fn_name]} operator') 

     def __gt__(self, value):
             fn_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
             print(f'You used the {map_compar[fn_name]} operator')

     def __eq__(self, value):
             fn_name = inspect.stack()[0][3]
             print(f'You used the {map_compar[fn_name]} operator')

And finally using it:

>>> person = Person()
>>> person < 10
You used the < operator
>>> person > 10
You used the > operator
>>> person == 10
You used the == operator

PS: This looks way too complicated of a solution for whatever you're doing. If it's just to prove a point and manipulate a class, fine, but if it's for something professional, you should think for a second if this is the best strategy.