Can I get Bing custom search results utilizing only blocked pages?

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In my Bing custom search engine, I have an empty active list, and I have a few sites on my blocked list. I want to see ALL web results minus my blocked list, but I'm getting zero results this way. Is there a way I can do this?

EDIT: RESOLVED. SEE CODE BELOW Note: I used the Bing Web Search API in favor of the custom search to achieve me desired results.

# code solution, I was able to get my desired results and
# exclude a large number of websites with this method
# I can confirm that at least 20 stacked exclusions are working with no issues.

def bing_search(key,url,term):
    headers = {"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" : subscription_key}
    params  = {"q": bterm, "textDecorations":True, "textFormat":"HTML"}
    response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers, params=params)
    search_results = response.json()

results = bing_search(subscription_key, search_url, (str(each) +
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "
                                                             " "))

I hope that the custom search engine will allow this functionality in the future.


There are 1 answers


You can use the Bing web search api, if the list of blocked sites is small. You can use the as a query parameter. Here is the link to the API: