I have a function that send a JSONResult, Now i want to use that function in C# and convert that JSONResult to IEnumerable so i can iterate on that result and pass that data to a SelectList function. Can i do this and how? Im using Asp.Net MVC, JQuery and C#
Can i convert JSONResult to IEnumerable list in C#
2.1k views Asked by Fraz Sundal At
There are 2 answers

Also it can be done in this way.
var data = GetJsonResultData(); //call to JsonResult method.
var datastr = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(data.Data); // convert json object to string.
var dataclass = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<modeldto>>(datastr ); // string json data to class list
why not:
and you are reusing everything.