Can I bind a port while building a docker image?

222 views Asked by At

I want to run the certbot-auto client while building a docker container from within this container and therefore I need port 443 to be accessible to the outside world.

Is there any way I can bind ports to the host while building a docker image ?


There are 1 answers


Short answer, no.

The option isn't there as part of docker build, and the build shouldn't hang waiting for externalities to connect in. They should also be designed to run on any developer workstation, externally hosted build server, and everything in between.

Longer answer, I think you're going down the wrong path. Injecting unique container specific data into the image creates something that goes against the typical pattern of docker images. Instead of trying to inject a certificate into your image, have it do this as part of the container entrypoint, and if you need persistence, store the result in a volume so you can skip that step on the next startup.