Can the dwm ( window manager natively handle a keybinding sequence pressed one after another (as opposed to pressing them together simultaneously) like in spacemacs? If not, is it possible to make dwm work with something like sxhkd (
In i3 (, I use
set $mod Mod4
bindsym $mod+w mode "workspace"
mode "workspace" {
bindsym j workspace next_on_output
bindsym k workspace prev_on_output
bindsym Escape mode "default"
to get into a "workspace" mode by pressing Mod4+w
simultaneously and then I could just use j
or k
to navigate the workspaces until I press Escape
. How can I achieve the same behavior on dwm?
You can achieve that behaviour by applying the Keychain and Cyclelayouts patches. The configuration looks like:
The Keychain patch, if you wish, can be replaced with the Keychord patch. The configuration then looks just a bit different: