Can docker buildx build utilize a docker swarm for multi-platform building?

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Just got done compiling a buildx multi-arch docker container that includes amd64, arm64 and armv7. It took about two hours to build -- with the armv7 portion being particularly slow. It only takes about 15 minutes to build natively on a RaspberryPi3.

I've setup a Docker swarm with 4 nodes, including each of the architectures I want to build for, but I haven't been able to work out how to setup the buildx cluster to use these native nodes.

I'd appreciate some guidance from anyone that's been down this particular road!


I've made some progress with this, and here's what I know so far:

buildx clusters have nothing to do with docker swarm -- it's a separate thing

ssh public key authentication needs to be setup between the ssh "client" and "server" with your platform-specific target build machines being the servers in this case, and here's a good link for doing that:

test that ssh authentication is working from the machine initiating your cluster, with:

docker -H ssh://username@hostname info

you should see docker client and server info returned

create a new builder on the machine you'll be running the buildx from in the form:

docker buildx create --name <your_cluster_name> --node <your_node_name> --platform <your_desired_build_platforms> --driver-opt env.BUILDKIT_STEP_LOG_MAX_SIZE=10000000 --driver-opt env.BUILDKIT_STEP_LOG_MAX_SPEED=10000000

create additional target build platforms just like the above, but add --append ssh://username@hostname to the options

docker buildx ls

is used to confirm the builder, nodes and platforms (the ones with an * should be what you specified and will override defaults.

docker buildx use <your_cluster_name>

will change the default builder

docker buildx inspect --bootstrap

will initiate your cluster multi-arch multi-platform builder, including downloading the buildkit image on each platform.

I had issues here, with one of my platforms requiring multiple attempts with docker buildx inspect --bootstrap. Ultimately, for my modest armv7 machine, I downloaded the:


image on that machine first, and then ran buildx inspect from the machine I'm using to initiate the build. With the image already present, the container was spun-up without further issue.

It all looks to be setup correctly:

bnhf_cluster *  docker-container                                   
  bnhf_cluster0 unix:///var/run/docker.sock running                linux/amd64*, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
  rpi6          ssh://pi@raspberrypi6       running                linux/armv7*, linux/arm/v7
  rpi5          ssh://pi@raspberrypi5       running                linux/arm64*, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6

Next, I'll find something new to try out a mutli-arch multi-platform build, as my primary project is all cached by buildx now -- so wouldn't be a good test.

I found this post to be the most helpful in getting multi-arch multi-platform buildx configured:

If you use portainer, you should see something like this in your container list on each of your platform specific targets, after the cluster is created:

Portainer screenshot of multi-platform target

Edit #2:

Wow, did that work well! I decided to build my primary application with the --no-cache option. The same build that took over 2 hours (with some layers already cached) on an 8th Gen i7 (4 cores, 8 threads, 32GB RAM) running Debian 11 in a WSL2 instance, took 742 seconds.

Sending the arm64 and arm/v7 jobs even to lowly Raspberry Pis is a huge improvement over the emulation offered with Docker Desktop.


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