I have defined bus routes for multiple lanes in SUMO, but I see that passengers can only enter and leave the buses in those bus stops. In my country buses are not always super organized and while they will stop at predefined bus stops, they will also stop when passenger rings a bell inside the bus or can board it by signaling the bus when they see it in the road. How can I model this in SUMO?
Can buses in SUMO stop to pick up or allow passengers to leave based on parts of their route that are not predefined bus stops?
390 views Asked by Daniel Uribe At
Busses (as every other vehicle) can stop everywhere. A
element is basically just a shortcut for a definition of a lane and a position on the street. So instead ofyou can also write
with as many stops as you wish and persons will enter and leave at those stops if they are close enough. For the "real thing" you probably want to add stops dynamically while the simulation is running. You can use TraCI especially traci.vehicle.addStop for that.