Can an operation that takes O(1) amortized time have worst-case O(n^2) time?

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If an operation has an amortized time of O(1), can it ever, worst-case, take O(N^2) time?


There are 1 answers

Ivaylo Strandjev On BEST ANSWER

Yes, it can. Amortized complexity takes into account the frequency with which the worst case appears. Thus as soon as the worst case appears in about 1 in N^2 operations the amortized complexity will be constant.

Let's take a simple example - the dynamically expanding array(I will call that vector as it is called in c++) in most languages has an amortized constant time for pushing an element to its back. Most of the time pushing an element is a simple assignment of a value, but once in a while all the elements allocated will be assigned and we need to re-allocate the vector. This would be the worst case of a push_back operation and when that happens the operation is with linear complexity. Still the way vector grows makes sure that re-allocation is infrequent enough. Each time the vector is re-allocated it doubles its size. Thus before another re-allocation happens we will have n simple push_back operations(assuming n was the capacity of the vector before re-allocation). As a result the worst case of linear complexity appears at most once in a linear number of operations.

Analogously to the case above imagine a data structure that re-allocates in O(n^2), but makes sure that re-allocation is performed at most once in n^2 constant operations. This would be an example of an operation with amortized complexity of O(1) and worst-case complexity O(N^2).