Camel To Interceptor does not seem to work

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I have my camel routes deployed on ServiceMix and am trying to write simple interceptors PoC for encryption/decryption using camel interceptSendToEndpoint; but this does not seem to work for me ! Am I doing something wrong here ?

    <camelContext xmlns="">
        <routeBuilder ref="dynamicRouter" />
        <routeBuilder ref="inBundleRouter" />
        <routeBuilder ref="sqlRouter" />
        <routeBuilder ref="changeRouter" />
        <interceptSendToEndpoint uri="vm:changeRoute" inheritErrorHandler="true">
            <to uri = "vm:outBundleRoute"/>
            <process ref = "printProcessor"/>  <!-- This would just print Exchange headers-->
                <log message="Message Failure" />
                <stop />
    <bean id="dynamicRouter" class="ex.route.DynamicRoute" />
    <bean id="inBundleRouter" class="ex.route.InBundleRoute" />
    <bean id="sqlRouter" class="ex.route.SQLRoute" />
    <bean id="changeRouter" class="ex.route.ChangeRoute" />
    <bean id="printProcessor" class="ex.processor.PrintProcessor" />
    <bean id="sqlProcessor" class="ex.processor.SQLProcessor" />

This is the route I am trying to intercept.

public class InBundleRoute extends RouteBuilder{
    public void configure() throws Exception {
        .log("In vm:inBundleRoute")
        .to ("vm:changeRoute");

I am hoping that this route should not get fired. But I am seeing this route is running

public class ChangeRoute extends RouteBuilder{
    public void configure() throws Exception {
        .log("In vm:changeRoute ")
        .to ("mock://acs");

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