Camel Apache: How to put variable in a url?

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I need to create a route (or not only one) that will do the following:

  1. Read some ids from a .txt file (tokenized by /n)
  2. For each id I will make a GET request to an url (**id**)
  3. Every request will bring me a JSON
  4. JSON will be unmarshaled to XML

So, I need a JSON file for every id in my file.txt. If I have 10 ids, I will get 10 JSON files from that url. I made the component that take me JSONs from a folder and unmarshal them to XML. Also, I tokenized my file.txt.

The problem is I don't know how to get a JSON file per each id, more exactly, how can I dynamically transform my url?

My code is:

<camel:route id="getRequestForEachId">
            <camel:from uri="file:src/main/resources/idList?noop=true" />
                <camel:tokenize token="\n" />
                <camel:to uri="stream:out" />
                <camel:to uri="file:src/main/resources/jsonMandatFromReq" />
                <!--from this will take my json->xml component-->

And with this code I get a 405 error:

HTTP operation failed invoking with statusCode: 405 

That 3 is from file.txt with ids. So the url is built somehow, but I end with exceptions.

I would love concrete help, not a url to dynamic url on the camel site. Thank you very much!


The below answer solved my main problem, but I'm having another one now. The GET method won't stop from making requests.

I want to have just one request for each id, and for this I'll get a JSON file per each request or id. But my route is making requests continuously. After the list with ids is ending, it begins again. So I end with many JSON files for one id, when I need just one JSON file per id.

I don't want to override the existing JSON file. I want to have just one GET request per each id. How can I solve this?


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