CallKit CXEndCallAction report to other end - Swift

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I am implementing Apple CallKit for VOIP. I could successfully show the call screens.

On Answer trigger the below function,

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXAnswerCallAction){

Ans When reject the call triggered the function,

func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXEndCallAction){

But, How to know on received side when the sender disconnected call (Not accepted the call).


There are 1 answers

Zeeshan Ahmed On
  • Brother Callkit is basically a Native UI which you can show up when device receives/starts a VOIP call its only for user interaction, by using it you cannot tell other side about call.
  • You have to make socket emitter which will be emitted in 'CXEndCallAction' method to your server, then your server will inform other side.