So I've been through stackoverflow once or about a billion times trying to find the answer to my problem but ive been unsuccessful so far. He're the problem. I'm calling a method of an error handling class using trigger_error. for whatever reason the error triggers without calling the function ive defined. please help. here's my code
class runtime_errors
public function __construct()
// Calling required files
// Setting needed class functions
$this->browser = new BrowserDetection();
$this->display_as = new display_as();
// if available we're going to set the query string
$this->query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$this->query_string = NULL;
// Setting this class and function as the error_handler, the & is important
set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'log_error'));
public function log_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
echo 'am i working?';