I'm having trouble implementing the SuperpoweredRecorderStoppedCallback in the superpowered sdk for android. I was trying to set it up just like the player callbacks in the CrossedExample, but I must be missing something.
static void recordCallback(void *clientData) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "LOG_callback record", "text:%i ",
Then I try to set up the recorder like the players - I have it recording audio just fine, but I receive no callback.
SuperpoweredExample::SuperpoweredExample(unsigned int samplerate, unsigned int buffersize, const char *path, int fileAoffset, int fileAlength, int fileBoffset, int fileBlength, const char *testPath[]) : activeFx(0), crossValue(0.0f), volB(0.0f), volA(1.0f * headroom) {
stereoBuffer = (float *)memalign(16, (buffersize + 16) * sizeof(float) * 2);
stereoBufferRecording = (float *)memalign(16, (buffersize + 16) * sizeof(float) * 2);
this->sampleRate = sampleRate;
playerA = new SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayer(&playerA , playerEventCallbackA, samplerate, 0);
playerA->open(path, fileAoffset, (fileAlength));
playerB = new SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayer(&playerB, playerEventCallbackB, samplerate, 0);
//playerB->open(path, fileBoffset, (fileBlength));
playerA->syncMode = playerB->syncMode = SuperpoweredAdvancedAudioPlayerSyncMode_TempoAndBeat;
roll = new SuperpoweredRoll(samplerate);
filter = new SuperpoweredFilter(SuperpoweredFilter_Resonant_Lowpass, samplerate);
flanger = new SuperpoweredFlanger(samplerate);
recorder = new SuperpoweredRecorder(temp, samplerate,1,2,false, recordCallback, __null);
audioSystem = new SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO(samplerate, buffersize, false, true, audioProcessing, this, -1, SL_ANDROID_STREAM_MEDIA, buffersize * 2);
audioSystemRecording = new SuperpoweredAndroidAudioIO(sampleRate, buffersize, true, false, audioProcessingRecording, this, buffersize * 2);
Thanks for any thoughts!
The callback is called a little bit after you call recorder->stop(). Please note, you're passing NULL for the clientData, which then you try to print.