Call Preference from SQLite DB Activity

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I am developing a dictionary app. I have the following code which show 20 most recent history word.

public List<Bean> getHistoryWords() {

        SQLiteDatabase db = initializer.getReadableDatabase();

        String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + HISTORY_NAME +
                " WHERE " + STATUS + " ORDER BY " + STATUS + " DESC LIMIT 20" ;

        Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null);

        List<Bean> wordList = new ArrayList<Bean>();
        while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
            int id = cursor.getInt(0);
            String english = cursor.getString(1);
            String bangla = cursor.getString(2);
            String status = cursor.getString(3);
            wordList.add(new Bean(id, english, bangla, status));

        return wordList;

I would like to provide an option for user to change the number of history item from LIMIT 20 to LIMIT 50 or LIMIT 100 through Preferences.

I follow this tutorial, but I was stuck in "5) Saving/reading data". I tried to put the SharedPreferences under getHistoryWords, but I got error cannot resolve getBaseContext.

public List<Bean> getHistoryWords() {
    SharedPreferences SP = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());

Where should I put the code?


There are 1 answers

Htoo Aung Hlaing On BEST ANSWER

There is a simplest way for it. First, create YourAppName , that extends Application Declare Context as static and init it on Application 's onCreate method,

public YourApp extends Application {

    private static Context context;

    public void onCreate() {
        YourApp.context = getApplicationContext();

    public static Context getAppContext() {    
        return YourApp.context;

declare YourApp in Manifest.xml

android:name="" in application tag,

Now, you can get for Context, every where you need like this,


I hope this will help for you.