Call established but no audio on both ends in sipml5

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I tried to call on sipml5 through 2 browsers. Even though the call has been initiated, we can't listen anything from another side. How to tackle this issue?

By the way, the browsers that I have used are;

  1. Chrome (version 42)-can place call, but can't listen
  2. Firefox-can place call but can't listen
  3. Chromium-can't even place call

There are 1 answers

Zunino On

There isn't enough specific context in the description of the problem, I'm afraid, but you might want to check if the <audio> element associated with the call (the one whose reference was assigned to the session configuration property audio_remote) has the autoplay attribute set. Alternatively, you could call play() on the media element once the call has been established and incoming audio has been received.