Call a specific constructor to map @requestBody

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I have a post call method and the method parameter is annotated with @ReuqestBody for class say A. Now, inside of my class A, there is a variable of type B and that class has couple of subclasses. In the request, I am passing enum for sub-type of B and want to intialize my requestBody based on the sub-type.

class A {
    B b;

    A(Subtype S, B data) {
         // I need to initialize A based on subtype (my B's class would be dynamic here)

class B {
    String s1;

class C extends B {
    int x;

class D extends B {
    double d;
    String s2;

class XYZController {

    public Resp doThis (@RequestBody A, @PathVariable SubType) {


enum SubType {
    C ("C")
    D ("D")

So the overall structure is something like this. Now, based on what I'm passing as subtype, I want to create that kind of object. I'm kind of confused on how Spring calls the constructors while doing such mappings. Any lead would really help.

Thanks a lot.


There are 1 answers


Why not exposing every APIs available? I make sense to have specifics APIs and not a generic one.

it's the KISS pattern : Keep It Simple Stupid. It could allow you to enhance the affordance of your APIs.

Something like this :

public Resp doThis (@RequestBody A) {

public Resp doThisForB (@RequestBody B) {

public Resp doThisForC (@RequestBody C) {

...and so on...