Calculating closeness centrality using Jung

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I am developing a semantic web application, and using Jung library to apply some graphs calculations, such as closeness, betweenness, etc. I was able to find the betweenness value for each node in my rdf and normalized it too. However, this is not the case with the ClosenessCentrality as I got NaN (not a number) score for some nodes.Below is my code:

int n =  graph.getVertexCount();// number of vertex 

double d = (double)(n-1)*(n-2)/2.0d; // this is to normalize the node value 

System.out.println("Applying ClosenessCentrality");

ClosenessCentrality<RDFNode, Statement> closeness = new ClosenessCentrality<RDFNode, Statement>(graph);

double[] closenessValues = new double[n];

Collection<RDFNode> closenessVertices = graph.getVertices();

int i = 0;

for (RDFNode vertex : closenessVertices)

closenessValues[i++] = closeness.getVertexScore(vertex) / d; // get the normalized score for each node

for (double score : closenessValues)

System.out.println(score);  // print all values.

So, as I mentioned before for some reason I got NAN score for some nodes. I feel that there is a bug on the ClosenessCentrality algorithm implementation as I got NaN. Any explanation guys ? am I doing something wrong ?

Thanks for the help


There are 2 answers

Joshua O'Madadhain On

I'd have to recheck the code, but I'll bet that the closeness centrality value may do something weird if the vertex in question appears on no shortest paths (because it's a disconnected vertex or has no incoming edges). I'd check that first.

user3764792 On

if there's no edge to any other node from a vertex, then the closeness centrality of that vertex would be divided by 0. And NaN is the result. That's why you get the NaN for some vetex.