Calculate the duration of overlapping time ranges using pandas

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I have large csv files of traffic data similar to the sample below, for which I need to calculate the total bytes and the duration of each data transfer. The time ranges are overlapping, but they must be merged:

first_packet_ts last_packet_ts  bytes_uplink bytes_downlink service    user_id
1441901695012   1441901696009       165             1212    facebook    3
1441901695500   1441901696212        23             4321    facebook    3
1441901698000   1441901698010       242             3423    youtube     4
1441901698400   1441901698500       423             2344    youtube     4

Desired output:

 duration     bytes_uplink      bytes_downlink    service          user_id
   1200             188             5533          facebook            3
   110              665             5767          youtube             4   

I currently use something like the following lines:

df = pd.read_csv(input_file_path)
df = df.groupby(['service', 'user_id'])
durations = df.apply(calculate_duration) 
df = df[['bytes_uplink', 'bytes_downlink']].sum()
df = df.reset_index()

The calculate_duration function (below) iterates the contents of each group, merges the overlapping time intervals and then returns a dataframe which is then concatenated to the summed dataframe df.

def calculate_duration(group):
    ranges = group[['first_packet_ts', 'last_packet_ts']].itertuples()
    duration = 0
    for i,current_start, current_stop in ranges:
        for i, start, stop in ranges:
            if start > current_stop:
                duration += current_stop - current_start
                current_start, current_stop = start, stop
                current_stop = max(current_stop, stop)
        duration += current_stop - current_start
    return duration

This approach is very slow as it involves iteration and invoking the apply method for each group.

Is there a more efficient way to calculate the duration of the data transfer, merging the overlapping intervals, using pandas (avoid iteration somehow?) preferably without resorting to cython?


There are 2 answers


How about this? (having timed it, might bit slower...)

pd.pivot_table(df, columns='user_id', index='service',
               values=['bytes_uplink', 'bytes_downlink'], aggfunc=sum)

Edit: I don't think this is any more valid than yours but you could try something along these lines:

# create dummy start/end dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'end':pd.Series([50, 100, 120, 150]), 'start':pd.Series([30, 0, 40, 130])})
df = df[['start', 'end']]
df = df.sort('start')

df['roll_end'] = df.end.cummax()
df.roll_end = df.roll_end.shift()

df['new_start'] = df.start
overlap = df.start - df.roll_end < 0
# if start is before rolling max end time then reset start to rolling max end time
df.new_start[overlap] = df.roll_end[overlap]

# if the new start is after end, then completely overlapping
print np.sum([x for x in df.end - df.new_start if x > 0])
Alexander On

The code below reproduces your output given the sample data. Is that what you're looking for?

>>> df.groupby(['service', 'user_id'])['bytes_uplink', 'bytes_downlink'].sum().reset_index()
    service  user_id  bytes_uplink  bytes_downlink
0  facebook        3           188            5533
1   youtube        4           665            5767