cakephp find with contain belongsTo condition

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This is the situations:

A Cart belongsTo Product. A Product belongsTo a Category.

This is my query:

$results = $this->Cart->find('all', 
          'contain' => array(
                'Product' => array('Category')
                               'OR' => array(
                                    'Product.title LIKE' => "%$query%", 
                                    ' LIKE' => "%$query%"
          'fields'=>array('Product.title', ''))

debug($results); exit;

The query no work !! Look at this:

 Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'field list'

SQL Query: SELECT `Product`.`title`, `Category`.`name`, `Product`.`id` FROM `my_db`.`carts` AS `Cart` LEFT JOIN `my_db`.`products` AS `Product` ON (`Cart`.`product_id` = `Product`.`id`) WHERE ((`Product`.`title` LIKE '%apple%') OR (`Category`.`name` LIKE '%apple%')) 

As you can see the Category data aren't attached to the Product !! If I try the same query with a simple condition (eg. ' LIKE' => "%$query%") the query works !! So I think that the problem is with the OR condition , but i'm unable to solve it ...

Have suggestions ?

Thx in advance


There are 2 answers

Kai On

Since you're trying to OR between terms on different tables, I believe you'll have to throw out your relationship for this query and make a manual join instead. With the manual join, I think you should be able to write conditions how you want. Perhaps something like this?

 $this->Cart->recursive = -1;
 $results = $this->Cart->find('all', 
      'joins' => array(
                'table' => 'products',
                'alias' => 'Product',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Product.cart_id =',
                           'OR' => array(
                                'Product.title LIKE' => "%$query%", 
                                ' LIKE' => "%$query%"
      'fields'=>array('Product.title', ''));
Guillermo Mansilla On

You are applying a condition ( that doesn't exist in the main model association (Cart and Product). I am not sure about your requirements but a good starting point is changing the query to something like this:

 $results = $this->Cart->find('all', 
          'contain' => array(
              'Product' => array(
                  'Category' => array(
                      'conditions' => array(' LIKE' => "%$query%"),
                      'fields' => array('')
              'Product.title LIKE' => "%$query%"
         'fields'=> array('Product.title')

Bear in mind that this is not the solution, you will have to modify the conditions according to your requirements (As you can see I removed the OR conditions)