C# WPF - How to Save a Screenshot of your Program's Interface's Current View?

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I am trying to have an option in my program called 'Save Current Snapshot', where a picture of my program's interface is saved to a desired location. This is for reference purposes, e.g. if someone doesn't want to open the program to see a result they've already gathered.

I already have a program screenshot function, I just don't know how to implement it with a SaveFileDialog to save the image.

Screenshot function:

private static BitmapSource CopyScreen()
            using (var screenBmp = new Bitmap(
                using (var bmpGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenBmp))
                    bmpGraphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, screenBmp.Size);
                    return Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(

SaveFileDialog code:

SaveFileDialog saveImage = new SaveFileDialog();
saveImage.Filter = "Images|*.png;*.bmp;*.jpg";

Could someone please help me out with saving the image to a user-chosen location? Thanks.


There are 1 answers

Yitzchak On

You can use the referenced code in the comment.

Use the save dialog to get the desired path and do just like commented by @Zack

// If the file name is not an empty string open it for saving.
if(saveImage.FileName != "")
    System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Open(saveImage.FileName, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
    Screenshot.Save(fs, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);

I'm on the phone so can't check this, comment if you have problems