C++ Win32 Trying to create an owner drawn toggle button

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I have been trying for a very long time (well a few days) to create a toggle button. A button having a up or down state.

Took over a day to realize it is not possible to create an owner drawn toggle button, a checkbox and pushlike does not work. When using owner drawn there is no difference between a checkbox or regular button (MSDN also notes you cant use owner drawn with any of those styles.)

From reading I found out you have to do it yourself, normally not a problem at all, but I cannot get any real "responsiveness." That is, if I click fast, nothing happens, sometimes I will click and it changes states, other times not and only updates when I click a different button.

I created a global variable for if the button should be shown in up or down state. In the commands I have it set that when the button, IDC_BTN_TOGGLE, it will set the opposite value on the bool.

Then the draw item part:

// button down
if ((pDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) || showButtonDown) { 
    oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, theme.hBrush[BRUSH_BUTTON2]);
// button up
else {
    oldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, theme.hBrush[BRUSH_BUTTON]);

All my buttons are owner drawn and run through this. showButtonDown is only true when it is drawing IDC_BTN_TOGGLE and the top bool is true as well.

The normal buttons function normally, when I click them, it instantly shows the down state, release, back to normal, the toggle button is barely responsive.

enter image description here


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