[C]unrecognized token "@address" on VScode

202 views Asked by At

I'm using cosmic compiler for stm8 microcontroller.
It supports "@" pointers or modifiers.
such like


Cosmic compiler user guide

VScode cannot recognize those modifiers and shows red underline and also intellisense does not work.

My code

Does VScode have any setting to enable "@" pointers or modifiers? Or can it ignore "@" symbols? I just wanna use intellisense.


There are 1 answers

EN20 On

I used defines for these and defined those as nothing when the VS_CODE define is defined whitch i did in the c_cpp_properties.json. than vs code sees nothing and cosmic is happy to see the @ where they are needed

#ifdef VS_CODE
    #define TINY
    #define NEAR
    #define FAR
    #define EEPROM
    #define AT_ADR(n)
    #define INLINE
    #define _INLINE
    #define INTERRUPT
    #define FAR  @far
    #define NEAR @near
    #define TINY @tiny
    #define __CONST  const
    #define EEPROM @eeprom
    #define AT_ADR(n) @(n)
    #define INLINE @inline
    #define INTERRUPT @interrupt