I have a method in which the program cycles through a load of data and I want it to put in the toolstripstatuslabel1
the text loading
, but for some reason it does this after it is done loading as opposed to while it is loading. My toolStripProgressBar1
however does update properly. What might I be doing wrong?
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Acquiringdata for: " + name;
toolStripProgressBar1.Minimum = 0;
toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 1;
toolStripProgressBar1.Step = 1;
for (int i = 8; i < data.Count; i++)
string newstr = data[i];
string date = newstr.Substring(0, newstr.IndexOf(","));
newstr = newstr.Substring(newstr.IndexOf(",") + 1);
string close = newstr.Substring(0, newstr.IndexOf(","));
newstr = newstr.Substring(newstr.IndexOf(",") + 1);
string high = newstr.Substring(0, newstr.IndexOf(","));
newstr = newstr.Substring(newstr.IndexOf(",") + 1);
string low = newstr.Substring(0, newstr.IndexOf(","));
newstr = newstr.Substring(newstr.IndexOf(",") + 1);
string open = newstr.Substring(0, newstr.IndexOf(","));
newstr = newstr.Substring(newstr.IndexOf(",") + 1);
string volume = newstr.Substring(0);
DataPoint dp = new DataPoint(date, close, high, low, open, volume);
richTextBox1.Text += "New DataPoint Added: \n";
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = (double)(i / (data.Count - 8))*100 + "%";
The issue here was that I was running the process on my UI thread.