c# sorting objects in list by contact status and name

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I have a BindingList with objects in which is saved some contacts.

 internal static BindingList<object> contactList;

The contactList object is more types. SktContact, FBContact, GContact.

These contacts I add in contactList_Changed event to listBox. But I want sort them by status (first online) and then alphabetically.

I would like somethink like this:

  List<object> contactSorted = new List<object>();
  contactSorted = Global.contactList.ToList();

  contactSorted.OrderBy((status, name) => Converter.getContactAvailabilityStatus(contactSorted[?]), Converter.getContactName(contactSorted[?]));


But I dont have any idea how shoud I do that. I cannot retype the list of objects and select the property to order by.

I have methods to get status and name from any object. But how can I use it to sort the contact array?

I'm using own drawing Owner draw fixed

 private void contactListBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)

There are 2 answers

M. Mennan Kara On BEST ANSWER

What you can do is to implement an interface for your contact classes.

public interface IContact{
    string Name {get;set;}
    int Status{get;set;}

And change your class declarations as

public class SktContact: IContact {
    // Implementations

After that you can declare your list with the interface name

var contacts= new List<IContact>():
// Populate contacts to the list

Then order the list as

var orderedList = contact.OrderByDescending(c=>c.Status).ThenBy(c=>c.name).ToList():

Then while using the list items you can use GetType() method to determine their types and use the appropriate code to handle them.

In case if you don't have access to the implementations of the contact classes you can use Adapter Design Pattern to make them compatible with your code.

twoflower On
  1. It feels like you could use an interface for the contact type:

    interface IContact
        string Status { get; }
        string Name { get; }
    class FBContact : IContact
        public string Status
                // Implement the status getter   
        public string Name
                // Implement the contact name getter   
  2. Then just

    var unsortedList = Global.contactList;
    var contactSorted = unsortedList.Cast<IContact>()
                                    .OrderBy(x => x.Status)
                                    .ThenBy(x => x.Name);