C# SetPropertyThreadSafe vs Invoke thread-safe calls

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Which of these two methods are better to update the UI from another thread? (for me they work both, but which is safer?) I would prefer the SetPropertyThreadSafe method as it needs less code.


label1.SetPropertyThreadSafe(() => this.label1.Text, "New Value");


if (label1.InvokeRequired)
   label1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate {
   label1.Text="New Value"; }));

There are 2 answers

Scott Chamberlain On BEST ANSWER

SetPropertyThreadSafe is not a method built in to .NET, if you are using this implmentation

public static TResult GetPropertyThreadSafe<TControl, TResult>(this TControl self, Func<TControl, TResult> getter)
    where TControl: Control
    if (self.InvokeRequired)
        return (TResult)self.Invoke(getter, self);
        return getter(self);

Then the two examples you posted are doing the exact same thing so there is no difference.

Ian Ringrose On

If you head


label1.SetPropertyThreadSafe(() => this.label1.Text, "New Value");
label2.SetPropertyThreadSafe(() => this.label1.Text, "New Value2");

and 2.

if (label1.InvokeRequired)
   label1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate 
   label1.Text="New Value"; 
   label2.Text="New Value2"; 

Then (2) is clearly better as it has a much lower overhead. But in your case there is nothing to choose between them.

If you know you are on another thread, there is no need for the "if InvokeRequired".