C# selenium HTTP request to the remote web driver server for URL timed out after 60 seconds

11.5k views Asked by At

Chrome driver stopped working for Chrome browser version 55 with the latest Chrome driver 2.24 and Web Driver 2.48.

I am getting the error "HTTP request to the remote web driver server for URL timed out after 60 seconds"

some months back i faced the same issue, i followed the same suggestion as mentioned here, it worked well till chrome version 54.

Can you suggest for Chrome version 55

Note: Its working fine in local, not working when hosting in IIS


There are 1 answers


Use the Chrome in the standalone package that you downloaded instead of your system installation.You can do this by:

ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.BinaryLocation = @"path\\to\\the\\standalone\\chrome.exe"; 
  // chrome installation exe

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