I'm trying to read a file with 1024 lines with 9 times the same letter in each line and returning if it finds a line that doesn't match this terms.
The file is as follow but with 1024 lines:
fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
if(flock(fd, LOCK_SH) == -1)
perror("error on file lock");
if(fd != 0){
read(fd, lineFromFile, (sizeof(char)*10));
arguments->charRead = lineFromFile[0];
for(i=0; i < 1024; i++){
var = read(fd, toReadFromFile, (sizeof(char)*10));
if(strncmp(toReadFromFile,lineFromFile,10) != 0 || var < 10){
arguments->result = -1;
printf("%s \n\n",toReadFromFile);
printf("%s \n",lineFromFile);
printf("i %d var %d \n",i,var);
return ;
> eeeee
i 954 var 6
I have 5 different files with different letters and every single one gives this output in that specific line (954) and the line is correct with the letter writen 9 times with a \n in the end.
Any ideas why this could be happening? If i don't use the lseek it works fine but i need the lseek to divide the file in several parts to be tested by different threads. I put the 0 index in the lseek for simplification to show you guys.
It looks like you are looking for
instead of"eeeeeeeee\n"
. Which means your file should should start like this:and end like this:
If your file ends like this:
Then when you get to the last line, it will fail because you will only read
instead of"eeeee\neeee"
.Given the new information in your comment, I believe the problem is that you should not be seeking to the middle of lines (in this case 342 and 684). You should seek to an even multiple of the expected string (like 340 and 680). Also, line 954 is not where the problem happened. It should be line 954 + X, where X is the line you seeked to.