I use the DriveInfo.GetDrives() method in my code to populate a combobox with all available and ready removable drives on my specified computer. It works great on three test computers, but on a single computer when the user clicks the button that opens the window with the combo box in it (and the GetDrives in the constructor) it takes a good few seconds before the window opens up.
The computer is running Windows 7 and the only things to note would be it has a RAID setup.
Once open it is responsive it just hangs when opening for some reason. I couldn't find anything of help on the MSDN documentation and I found no similar cases online. Please let me know if you have had any experiences with similar issues or any suggestions.
I extracted the window that used the DriveInfo from my project and built a test application. The code behind is below:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
//Instance variables used in class and refrenced in 'get' methods
int count;
string[] driveNames;
public MainWindow() //Constructor
getInfo(); //Populate instance vars
public string[] getRemovableDrives() //Returns array of drive letters for removable drives in computer
return driveNames;
public int getRemovableDrivesCount() //Returns number of removable drives in computer
return count;
private void getInfo() //Run once to get information about removable drives on computer and store into instance vars
count = 0;
List<string> drivesTemp = new List<string>();
foreach (DriveInfo d in DriveInfo.GetDrives())
if (d.IsReady == true && d.DriveType == DriveType.Removable && d.DriveFormat == "FAT32")
drives.Items.Add(d.VolumeLabel + " (" + d.Name + ")");
driveNames = new string[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
driveNames[i] = drivesTemp[i];
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //Selects first available drive in drop down box
drives.SelectedIndex = drives.Items.Count - 1;
private void format_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //Attempts to format drive
string drive = driveNames[drives.SelectedIndex];
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD");
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD\\CONFIG");
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD\\HISTORY");
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD\\TEST");
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD\\UPDATES");
Directory.CreateDirectory(drive + "LOOKOUT.SD\\VPROMPTS");
MessageBox.Show("Format complete, your removable device is now ready to use.", "Format Successful", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
MessageBox.Show("Your removable device has failed to format correctly.", "Format Failure", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
private void cancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //Closes window without formatting
It's highly likely that one of the drives in the problem machine is in an inactive mode and takes a few seconds to spin up. (I have this same issue on my home machine)