I really need help with this but nobody is giving me any information. So I thought I'd just make a really long post detailing the issue and my code. Just as starting info this is a C++ DLL that loads the form upon loading into another program or being forcefully injected.
So first off I am stacking some trackbars. Depending on the selection of a dropdown box menu, certain trackbars will appear and some will go. Each trackbar has individual values. The best way to represent it is like a class.
Player1 -> R, G, B Trackbars Player2 -> R, G, B Trackbars
So each player has 3. Switching players in the dropdown causes these to switch. So laying it out on the designer like so:
It doesn't show too well but they will be directly over eachother and switch each time. In the designer you will obviously only be able to see 3 as the others are underneath the top one.
I create them like so:
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->Location = System::Drawing::Point(491, 225);
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->Maximum = 255;
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->Name = L"trackbar_TeamBlue";
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->Size = System::Drawing::Size(153, 45);
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->TabIndex = 10;
this->trackbar_TeamBlue->Visible = false;
This is the same with each one. On the initialisation of the form I set all the Team trackbars to not visible and all the enemy trackbars to visible:
trackbar_TeamRed->Visible = 0;
trackbar_TeamGreen->Visible = 0;
trackbar_TeamBlue->Visible = 0;
trackbar_EnemyBlue->Visible = 1;
trackbar_EnemyGreen->Visible = 1;
trackbar_EnemyRed->Visible = 1;
The dropdown box menu is most likely not causing the issue but it is created like this anyway:
this->dropdown_ESPColour->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::ScrollBar;
this->dropdown_ESPColour->FormattingEnabled = true;
this->dropdown_ESPColour->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(4) { L"Enemy", L"Team", L"Weapons", L"Bomb" });
this->dropdown_ESPColour->Location = System::Drawing::Point(353, 177);
this->dropdown_ESPColour->Name = L"dropdown_ESPColour";
this->dropdown_ESPColour->Size = System::Drawing::Size(121, 21);
this->dropdown_ESPColour->TabIndex = 0;
this->dropdown_ESPColour->Text = L"Enemy";
So basically, whenever the index 0 is selected with the dropdown I went the TeamRed set of trackbars to be usable. And index 1, the TeamBlue trackbars to be usable. I decided to make a very simple function to switch between these if the dropdown selection is changed.
System::Void dropdown_ESPColour_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if (dropdown_ESPColour->SelectedIndex == 0) {
trackbar_EnemyBlue->Visible = 1;
trackbar_EnemyGreen->Visible = 1;
trackbar_EnemyRed->Visible = 1;
trackbar_TeamRed->Visible = 0;
trackbar_TeamGreen->Visible = 0;
trackbar_TeamBlue->Visible = 0;
else if (dropdown_ESPColour->SelectedIndex == 1) {
trackbar_EnemyBlue->Visible = 0;
trackbar_EnemyGreen->Visible = 0;
trackbar_EnemyRed->Visible = 0;
trackbar_TeamRed->Visible = 1;
trackbar_TeamGreen->Visible = 1;
trackbar_TeamBlue->Visible = 1;
So building this form works fine. Loading it into a program or any other method works fine. Here is an image of the actual form loaded:
As you can see that works all fine and dandy. Keep note I havent changed anything as of now. That is what the form loads into. I can change all the values on these trackbars. Now trying to change to the other category, you will see that a weird visual effect occurs, a simple greyed out box with no slider appears. In the image you cant see the grey box but I can assure you, it is 100% there. For some reason the bars look white on these images and not on my screen.
Whenever I click on this greyed out area where they are suppose to be the form crashes. If I change the dropdown box back then they appear back again and work fine. Does anybody know what could be causing this issue?