My question is how does one reduce the overhead when using boost::math::pdf and boost::math::cdf? It seems that every time I need to calculate a pdf or cdf, boost goes through several statements before the cdf/pdf is calculated. One can see this by stepping through a call to either pdf or cdf. (i.e. boost::math::cdf(s,x);) This seems to be very inefficient when one needs to access theses functions in a simulation (500,000+=5000 draws*100 loans). Thanks in advance
The relevant portions of the code are: main execution part:
for (int i = 0;i < NumSim;i++) {
for (int j = 0;j < NumLoans;j++) {
double Sum = 0;
for (int T = 0;T < NumLoans;T++) {
Sum = Sum + RndNumbers[i][T] * CholeskyMatrix[j][T];
CorrelatedRndNumbers[i][j] = Stats.NormCDF(Sum);
.h file
class clStats
double NormCDF(double x);
double NormPDF(double x);
boost::math::normal s;
.cpp file
double clStats::NormCDF(double x) {
return boost::math::cdf(s,x);
double clStats::NormPDF(double x) {
return boost::math::pdf(s,x);