Currently, rules_ispc only supports the traditional WORKSPACE
approach. I want to add Bzlmod support to this ruleset. When looking at other rulesets, such as rules_ruby the final usage of those rules could look like this in MODULE.bazel
// add this to your MODULE.bazel file
bazel_dep(name = "rules_ispc", version = "0.0.5")
ispc = use_extension("@rules_ispc//ispc:extension.bzl", "ispc")
name = "ispc",
version = "1.23.0",
use_repo(ispc, "ispc")
In a BUILD file, I want then to use something like this:
load("@rules_ispc//:ispc.bzl", "ispc_cc_library")
name = "square",
srcs = ["square.ispc"],
out = "square.h",
ispc_main_source_file = "square.ispc",
name = "main",
srcs = ["main.cpp"],
deps = [":square"],
I wonder if this is the proper way to go in bzlmod?
I have created an extension.bzl
"""Module extensions used by bzlmod"""
ispc_toolchain = tag_class(attrs = {
"name": attr.string(doc = "Base name for generated repositories, allowing multiple to be registered."),
"version": attr.string(doc = "Explicit version of ISPC."),
def _ispc_module_extension(module_ctx):
registrations = {}
# Does it make sense to call here register_toolchains?
# native.register_toolchains(...)
# How can I do this for different pre-compiled binaries of ISPC?
ispc = module_extension(
implementation = _ispc_module_extension,
tag_classes = {
"toolchain": ispc_toolchain,
I have also created a toolchain.bzl
file that looks like this:
"""Toolchain for ISPC compiler."""
IspcToolchainInfo = provider(
doc = "Information about how to invoke ISPC.",
fields = [
def _ispc_toolchain_impl(ctx):
expand_ispc_path = ctx.expand_location(ctx.attr.ispc_cmd,
toolchain_info = platform_common.ToolchainInfo(
ispc_info = IspcToolchainInfo(
ispc_path = expand_ispc_path,
default_target = ctx.attr.default_target,
default_target_os = ctx.attr.default_target_os,
default_arch = ctx.attr.default_arch,
return [toolchain_info]
ispc_toolchain = rule(
implementation = _ispc_toolchain_impl,
attrs = {
"ispc_cmd": attr.string(),
"default_target": attr.string(),
"default_target_os": attr.string(),
"default_arch": attr.string(),
"data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
I am unsure how to connect the dots to get this working. Also, I am not sure if this is the right approach. Any hints are welcome.