I was trying to create a Bybit Trading bot and when I started testing it it stopped working and it keeps throwing the same error(10003) Invalid API key. I have checked it several times and it was correct. Do you know what can be the reason for that?
Bybit API Python Invalid API key
3.1k views Asked by janek lebor At
There are 4 answers

For anyone wondering,
You just have to use the 'https://api.bybit.com' endpoint instead of the 'https://api-testnet.bybit.com'.
The authentification code would then look like this:
session_auth = inverse_perpetual.HTTP(
api_key="you api key",
api_secret="your secret key"

I got the same error when using testnet=True
with API_key and API_secret from the main bybit website. testnet does not refer to the bybit Demo account.
If you plan to enable testnet, you have to use https://testnet.bybit.com/ APIs.
You need to create API key on
. Notice subdomain.Testnet has its own account and API management