By the power of MergeAdapter, StickyListHeaders and ListViewAnimations combined I'm captain Android

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Has anyone joined MergeAdapter, StickyListHeaders and ListViewAnimations android libraries?

My needs are:

  • multiple ListViews in one vertically scrolled view
  • heterogenous item views
  • multiple list items separated by headers, which should be sticky
  • ability to expand some list items
  • drag'n'drop some of them
  • support android 14+

My extras:

  • rely on CursorAdapters


  • sometimes my very top header (which is separate view not part of my list and I'll prefer it to stay that way) need to slide a bit over to the top; my combined list should follow but in the same time animate extend of it's height in order to always be attached to a bottom.

Mentioned libraries were:

Please give me some hope if it's possible and some useful tips how to avoid pitfalls. Maybe I should use some other libs. Or I'll just have to write that myself :(


In the end I have managed to build a stub of what I was hoping to do (in early 2014). It is functional expandable and draggable listview and adapter lib with nice animations (no sticky headers yet). Here's repo:

Since RecyclerView is now available there's no need to use overcomplicated listview code. Here is quick switch guide -


There are 2 answers

MrMaffen On

From the ListViewAnimations wiki:

ListViewAnimations also supports appearance animations on StickyListHeaderListViews. You must wrap your AnimationAdapter in a StickyListHeadersAdapterDecorator:

StickyListHeadersListView listView = (...); AlphaInAnimationAdapter
animationAdapter = new AlphaInAnimationAdapter(adapter);
StickyListHeadersAdapterDecorator stickyListHeadersAdapterDecorator =
new StickyListHeadersAdapterDecorator(animationAdapter);

Just like with the normal ListView, you can use any implementation of the AnimationAdapter class.

In combination with the solution from StickyListHeaders and MergeAdapter the uber-mergeadapter should be a possiblity :P

vangorra On

I ended up creating an adapter to handle the headers.

Using the adapter class:

StickyHeaderMergeAdapter stickyHeaderMergeAdapter = new StickyHeaderMergeAdapter(this.getActivity(), R.layout.list_item_header,;

The Adapter class:

package mypackagename.widget;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ListAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.commonsware.cwac.merge.MergeAdapter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import se.emilsjolander.stickylistheaders.StickyListHeadersAdapter;

public class StickyHeaderMergeAdapter extends MergeAdapter implements StickyListHeadersAdapter {
    private final LinkedHashMap<ListAdapter,Integer> adapterViewHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    private final Context context;
    private final int headerLayoutId;
    private final int headerLayoutTextId;

    public StickyHeaderMergeAdapter(Context context, @LayoutRes int headerLayoutId, @IdRes int headerLayoutTextId) {
        this.context = context;
        this.headerLayoutId = headerLayoutId;
        this.headerLayoutTextId = headerLayoutTextId;

    public void addAdapter(ListAdapter listAdapter, @StringRes int stringId) {
        this.adapterViewHashMap.put(listAdapter, stringId);

    public void addAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) {
        throw new NotImplementedException("You should use addAdapter(ListAdapter, View)");

    public View getHeaderView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        if (convertView == null)
            convertView = View.inflate(this.context, this.headerLayoutId, null);

        ((TextView) convertView.findViewById(this.headerLayoutTextId)).setText(

        return convertView;

    public long getHeaderId(int i) {
        ListAdapter listAdapter = this.getAdapter(i);
        if (!this.adapterViewHashMap.containsKey(listAdapter))
            return 0;

        return this.adapterViewHashMap.get(listAdapter);