In our application, each module is dynamically downloaded based on a condition, and we want to control which modules are bundled together (using webpack).
So for example assume we have the following code:
if (condition1) m1 = import('./m1')
if (condition2) m2 = import('./m2')
if (condition3) m3 = import('./m3')
if (condition4) m4 = import('./m4')
(each file is also statically importing other files)
since we know that condition1 and condition2 are both true together (same for 3 and 4), we want to bundle m1 and m2 (and all the files that they import) to a chunk called m1-m2, and m3 and m4 (and all the files that they import) to a chunk called m3-m4.
to do that we are using webpack cachegroups (webpack.config
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all',
cacheGroups: {
'm1-m2': {
test: (module, { chunkGraph }) => {
const chunks = chunkGraph.getModuleChunks(module)
return chunks.some(({ name }) => ['m1','m2'].includes(name))
'm3-m4': {
test: (module, { chunkGraph }) => {
const chunks = chunkGraph.getModuleChunks(module)
return chunks.some(({ name }) => ['m3','m4'].includes(name))
This works great when there are no shared files between the 2 groups, but when there are shared files between the modules, webpack will bundle the shared file only in one of the groups, and create a dependency between the second group to the first group.
For example, if m1.js and m3.js are both using some file a.js and webpack decided to bundle it in m1-m2, then when m3.js is dynamically loaded, both groups will be loaded because m3.js needs a.js. and it is located in m1-m2
This is obviously not the desired behavior, since we want each chunk to bundle the entire code of the modules (including the shared code - since we know that m1 and m2 are not loaded together with m3 and m4)
we want webpack to bundle a.js in both m1-m2 and m3-m4, is it possible using cacheGroups?