I am trying to make a small dashboard where i can send bulk email using my own SMTP servers. I want to use node for this, can anyone guide from where to start i want to send mails from different SMTP servers.
I am trying to make a small dashboard where i can send bulk email using my own SMTP servers. I want to use node for this, can anyone guide from where to start i want to send mails from different SMTP servers.
A most common way to send email in Node is using Nodemailer. It has an excellent documentation.
You can use it to send email using any SMTP servers and there are a lot of preconfigured ways to send using Gmail or other specialized transports.
The available transports are - from the README:
Here is a simple usage example in the Nodemailer GitHub repo
For bulk mailing it's much better to use a service like Mailgun or Mandrill because doing bulk mailing yourself using SMTP it's a lot of hassle to make sure that your emails are going through spam filters and that you are not blacklisted for sending too much email, that you don't exceed any limits of your ISP etc. Sending emails is more complicated than people usually think and with prices like $0.0001 per email in Mailgun it's also dirt cheap.