We are building a .net 5.0 gRPC service and using the below command trying to create docker image for linux on my dev machine (windows 10 with Docker Desktop) works just fine:
docker build --platform=linux . -t repo:imagename --no-cache
the issue is that our CI/CD pipeline uses windows server 2019 and Docker desktop cannot be installed, so I followed this:
Docker Linux Container running on Windows Server 2019
and that seems to work to run linux images on the server but not to build them? Is this even possible?
docker version gives:
you can see that the OS/Arch is windows for the docker server and even using lcow cannot get it to be linux
so building gives the following error:
failed to get destination image "sha256:guid": image with reference sha256:guid was found but does not match the specified platform: wanted linux/amd64, actual: windows/amd64
Any help is appreciated