Building/Compiling C-code on another machine via bsub

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We have a server that we use to build our software and sometimes it is overloaded. I was told that our servers network configured in such a way that I could build/compile our source code on another machine that might be not so overloaded at that time via bsub.

So from the directory where my Makefile (/home/username/workspace) is, I enter:

$ bsub make clean

It seems that this command successfully send 'make clean' to another machine because a few minutes later I got notification via email. However, it seems that 'make clean' has failed. This is what the email says:

  Job <make clean> was submitted from host <myserver> by user <username> in cluster <Cluster_Name>.
  Job was executed on host(s) <hostname>, in queue <long>, as user <username> in cluster <Cluster_Name>.
  </home/username> was used as the home directory.
  </tmp> was used as the working directory.
  make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.

So, it appears that /tmp was used as the working directory instead of my /home/username/workspace where the Makefile is.

Now the questions are:

  1. How do I make my workspace as the working directory? OR
  2. How do I copy all the necessary files to the /tmp? OR
  3. Maybe I'm doing this all wrong?

I don't have any background at all on distributed computing or related fields, so I might not be asking the right questions.

Thanks in advance!


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