Bug Compliance Level in Eclipse

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i got a problem with my Code... the Error Message is '<>' operator is not allowed for source level below 1.7" but im using 1.7. in Java Compiler, the Compiler Compliance Level is on 1.7 but this Message is still there... how can i fix this?

can anyone please help me?


There are 1 answers

Saif Asif On

To setup JRE on your eclipse follow these instruction

  1. Make sure that the JDK you want is extracted in some directory
  2. In eclipse, goto Window --> Preferences --> Installed JREs
  3. If the JDk configured there is not per your requirements, then simply add a new one. To add, Click Add --> Standard VM --> Specify the path to your JDK (not JRE) and click ok.
  4. Tick the Check-box next to the VM that you just configured in the Installed JREs screen.
  5. Next, goto Execution environment (just below Installed JREs), Click on the Environment and map it with the relevant Compatible JREs. This way you can have multiple VMs configured inside eclipse and its easy to manage once you specify there Compatible JREs to eclipse
  6. After finishing up, simple update the references in your project's build path. Your newly configured VM should be coming in the drop down, select it and Voila!