I am trying to make an initial build of a PWA (Progressive Web App) that is vanilla JS/HTML/CSS using using TWA (Trusted Web Activity) and Bubblewrap, but get the message cli ERROR spawn jarsigner ENOENT
The $ bubblewrap init --manifest=https://my-pwa.com/manifest.json
step was seemingly successful.
However, when I go to build the project I get the following:
$ bubblewrap build
,-----. ,--. ,--. ,--.
| |) /_,--.,--| |-.| |-.| |,---.,--. ,--,--.--.,--,--.,---.
| .-. | || | .-. | .-. | | .-. | |.'.| | .--' ,-. | .-. |
| '--' ' '' | `-' | `-' | \ --| .'. | | \ '-' | '-' '
`------' `----' `---' `---'`--'`----'--' '--`--' `--`--| |-'
Please, enter passwords for the keystore /home/my-user/AndroidStudioProjects/android.keystore and alias android.
? Password for the Key Store: ***************
? Password for the Key: ***************
Building the Android App...
- Generated Android APK at ./app-release-signed.apk
cli ERROR spawn jarsigner ENOENT
Further context:
$ bubblewrap doctor
doctor Your jdkpath and androidSdkPath are valid.
$ node -v
$ printf "%s\n" $PATH
$cat ~/.bubblewrap/config.json
Answers or any clues on where to investigate next appreciated, thanks.
My issue was resolved by putting a copy of OpenJDK 11 within my home directory and updating the jdkPath in
with its location:{"jdkPath":"/home/my-user/Android/jdk-11.0.17+8","androidSdkPath":"/home/my-user/Android/Sdk/"}