I have a typical binary search tree data type:
data Tree a
= Empty
| Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
and a catamorphism
foldt :: b -> (a -> b -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldt empty _ Empty = empty
foldt empty branch (Branch a l r) = branch a (foldt empty branch l) (foldt empty branch r)
I tried to define an insert function using foldt
and got some interesting results:
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert x = foldt (single x) insertb
where insertb a left right
| x == a = Branch x left right
| x < a = Branch a (insert x left) right
| x > a = Branch a left (insert x right)
ghci> mytree = insert 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty)
ghci> mytree
Branch 3 (Branch 2 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) (Branch 2 Empty Empty)) (Branch 2 Empty Empty)
Of course, a traditional insert method behaves as expected:
insert' :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert' x Empty = single x
insert' x (Branch a left right)
| x == a = Branch x left right
| x < a = Branch a (insert' x left) right
| x > a = Branch a left (insert' x right)
ghci> mytree2 = insert' 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty)
ghci> mytree2
Branch 3 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) Empty
Is there a way to define insert
in terms of foldt
, or am I barking up the wrong tree (ha) here?
Thanks to dfeuer and amalloy for the tips on paramorphisms, TIL!
Given a paramorphism for the Tree data type:
we can write an insert function as:
testing a bigger tree...