Browsersync Https proxy will not inject css or reload browser

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So I am proxying a MAMP SSL server with browser-sync, and I can not for the life of me figure out why it will not stream my css changes or reload for javascript. My current configuration works just fine if I do not use https via MAMP. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my Gulp Configuration:

function server(done) {
    port: PORT,
    proxy: {
        target: PROXY,
    logLevel: 'debug',

function watch() {'src/scss/**/*.scss').on('all', sass);'src/js/**/*.js').on('all', gulp.series(javascript, browser.reload));

Where Port is 8000 (probably not significant, as letting browser sync choose this automatically didn't change anything) And Proxy is

Also, my gulp sass function pipes to, to clarify.

Here is the output from browser sync log, everything seemed fine.

[13:10:28] Starting 'server'...
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Finding an empty port
[13:10:28] Finished 'server' after 19 ms
[13:10:28] Starting 'watch'...
[BS] [debug] Found a free port: 3000
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: port - 3000
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Finding an empty port
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Getting an extra port for Proxy
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Getting an extra port for Proxy
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Checking online status
[BS] [debug] Resolved, setting online: true
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: online - true
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Checking online status
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Resolve user plugins from options
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Resolve user plugins from options
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Set Urls and other options that rely on port/online status
[BS] [debug] Setting multiple Options
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Set Urls and other options that rely on port/online status
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Setting Internal Events
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Setting Internal Events
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Setting file watchers
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Setting file watchers
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Merging middlewares from core + plugins
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: middleware - List []
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Merging middlewares from core + plugins
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the Server
[BS] [debug] Proxy running, proxing:
[BS] [debug] Running mode: PROXY
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Starting the Server
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the HTTPS Tunnel
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Starting the HTTPS Tunnel
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the web-socket server
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: clientEvents - List [ "scroll", "scroll:element", "input:text", "input:toggles", "form:submit", "form:reset", "click" ]
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Starting the web-socket server
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the UI
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: session - 1504721428890
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting default plugins
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting default plugins
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Finding a free port
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Finding a free port
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting options also relevant to UI from BS
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting options also relevant to UI from BS
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting available URLS for UI
[BS] [debug] Getting option via path: urls
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting available URLS for UI
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Starting the Control Panel Server
[BS] [UI] Using port 3001
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Starting the Control Panel Server
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Add element events
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Add element events
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Registering default plugins
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Registering default plugins
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Add options setting event
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Add options setting event
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Starting the UI
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Merge UI settings
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: urls - Map { "local": "https://localhost:3000", "external": "", "ui": "http://localhost:3001", "ui-external": "" }
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Merge UI settings
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Init user plugins
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: userPlugins - 
[BS] [debug] +  Step Complete: Init user plugins
[Browsersync] Proxying:
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: https://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:

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