I'm having a small bug on my web. On About Us section of my website I want to pass a phone number to the contact information, also my web support different languages, but the problem is that when translating to Arabic language numbers display on a different order on the browser but on the vs code they display correctly also when pasting them to google translate they are translated on latin numbers correctly only the problem is that on the browser they are displayed on different order.
This is how they look on vs code
And this is how they are displayed on the browser
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I'm making the question more clear and short

This is a number writed on Latin on vs-code
Now this is the same number writed on Arabic numbers
And I want that the Arabic number should display on browser Like it is on the vs code but the browser displays the Arabic numbers on different order
Even if I try
It also changes the order but not as I want