I'm working on a Linux vm with Rider trying to fix unit tests that were ported over into this new environment (previously Windows w/VS). I'm having problems with debugging. Wherever there is a mock instance in a test, if I place a breakpoint anywhere in the subject code where the thing that is mocked is referenced, running the test in debug mode causes the test to abort with no stack-trace.
Rider reports:
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.
Here's complete code from a test file I'm writing just to isolate the problem.
Important notes in comments:
using NUnit.Framework;
using Moq;
namespace UnitTests
public class TestDebugging
private Mock<MockableThing> _testMock;
public void SetUp()
_testMock = new Mock<MockableThing>();
public void TestMe()
_testMock.Setup(m => m.GetSomething()).Returns("mock thingy.");
var sut = new Subject(_testMock.Object);
//breakpoint here will work in debug mode, but stepping
//into the call causes the test to abort.
var something = sut.SaySomething();
public class Subject
private MockableThing _thing;
public Subject(MockableThing thing)
//Placing a breakpoint here and running in debug mode
//causes the test to abort.
_thing = thing;
public string SaySomething()
return _thing?.GetSomething();
public class MockableThing
public string Id { get; set; }
public virtual string GetSomething()
return "this shouldn't be returned because it is mocked.";
Can anyone provide insight that could lead to a full fix for this issue?