Using Bread::Board I have an object/service A
with with accessor $A->foo
. Object/service B depends on $A->Foo
for it's contstructor. How would I do this? Here's an example of what I have
use Moose;
use Bread::Board;
has info => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, isa => 'Str', default => sub { 'something' } );
extends 'Bread::Board::Container';
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
container $self => as {
service info => $self->info;
service A => (
class => 'A',
dependencies => {
info => depends_on('info'),
service B => (
class => 'B',
dependencies => {
foo => depends_on('foo'), # foo could be gotten by
}, # ->resolve( service => 'A' )->foo
); # e.g foo is an accessor on A
I am not sure what code I could add or should have to make this work.
The best way I've found so far is to add another service using block for just that accessor
This of course all assumes that A has an accessor foo