Based on my understanding of ddd, services are ideally defined around bounded contexts. And interaction between these services are mirrored with the relationship of their respective bounded contexts.
Things like, should a service interact directly to an api of a service, or whether it should just subscribe to an event topic, etc.
My question is which bounded context does these messaging components belong to? (Or even other infrastructure pieces like queues, load balancers, etc)
This is a concern to me since we are highly watchful of how application infrastructure stacks are dependent to one another. For example, we try to avoid situations wherein 2 infrastructure stacks of separate bounded contexts have circular dependencies.
In general, components like those are best thought of as between contexts and not part of any particular context. Because a bounded context is a domain-level concept, infrastructure need not be considered part of any bounded context.
In the particular case of things like pubsub topics (as opposed to the infrastructure managing such topics), it may be useful in cases where there's exactly one context which publishes to the topic to declare such a topic to be part of that context, though other contexts (or their anti-corruption layers, which arguably exist between contexts) may depend on the topic.