I believe what I'm doing is against the dotnet-8-Blazor-way of doing things, but I'll post anyway as I feel that if more people have done until .NET 7 what I did, this will be useful for them.
Currently (until .NET 8 RC1), I have a page where a bootstrap modal must be opened from C#. To do so, I added two methods (openPOModal, closePOModal) on a JS file and called them from C# using JSInterop:
var selectPOModal = new bootstrap.Modal('#selectPOModal', {
var closePOModal = () => {
var openPOModal = () => {
export { closePOModal, openPOModal };
Razor component:
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
jsModule = await JS.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>(
"import", "./Pages/MyComponent.razor.js");
private async Task SomethingHappensNeedOpenModal()
await jsModule.InvokeVoidAsync("openPOModal");
The modal DOES open even in .NET 8 RC2, but all Blazor controlled elements inside the modal are not responsive anymore.
I have an input inside the modal that is binding to a property and it doesn't get updated anymore. Neither my buttons that call C# methods.
My question is: Is there a simple way to make this work again using JS?
Or is the correct solution to implement bootstrap's open/close logic using Blazor as it's being done in the answers in this linked question?
The way I have approached this in Blazor .NET 8 RC2 (server) is to add a function to the window that can be called via JS interop.
Firstly, create the function in a JS file that runs on load (in this case using an IIFE).
Create the razor component that contains the modal and an event handler to show the modal via IJSRuntime. In this case I am using a button click.
I have included a button here simply for demonstration purposes - you can hook into the logic in a way that makes sense for you.
An example of an event handler working from inside the modal:
It is worth mentioning that I'm using Bootstrap v5.3.2.