Bootstrap data-toggle breaks ng-show and vice versa

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I have a form switcher using two radio buttons:

                    <div class="btn-group">
                        <div class="radio">
                            <label class="btn btn-info">
                                <input type="radio" name="formSwitcher" id="gNr" ng-model="vm.formSwitcher" value="gNr" /> Form for new G

                        <div class="radio">
                            <label class="btn btn-info">
                                <input type="radio" name="formSwitcher" id="pNr" ng-model="vm.formSwitcher" value="pNr" /> Form for new P

<div ng-show="vm.formSwitcher == 'gNr' ">
   <form> ... </form>

<div ng-show="vm.formSwitcher == 'pNr' ">
   <form> ... </form>

This is working as expected, I choose a radio button and the appropriate forms show/hide accordingly.

When I add data-toggle="buttons" to the 2nd line above, <div class="btn-group">, the ng-hide stops working BUT the change in visual state (appearing pressed or unpressed) works fine.

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">

When I remove the data-toggle I don't get the variation in button color to show which of the radios is selected (the radio black dot still appears correctly).

Why would data-toggle="buttons" stop ng-show from working? The customer wants to see the button/radio change color on select.


There are 2 answers


You have extra <div class="radio">.

Remove them and it should work like in this fiddle.

David On

The problem for me was jQuery.

  1. When including bootstrap.min.js it wanted to include jQuery. You can remove bootstrap.min.js & jQuery in which just put an ng-class on the label to set the active state.

Reference Mart's fiddle from above for ng-class examples.

  1. If removing jQuery is not an option for you: The other option is in the comments above saying just to remove the data-toggle. From there you can throw a style="display:none" directly on your radio inputs or create a class in your style sheet.